Actuator Systems
Belt drive(Y) - Ball screw drive(Z)


2D portal with precise movement and high axial load capacity on Z-axis. Payloads up to 50(*) kg. Speed/acceleration up to 3 m/s and 10 m/s² on Y axis
Available Sizes
120/110 160/145

Workspace configurable up to :
Y : 3 500 mm
Z : 800 mm
(*) Higher loads can be achieved with additionnal options, for such application please contact Rollon
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The simulation you are going to carry out takes into account a cycle composed of two return trips on the Z axis and one return trip on the Y axis, without interpolation.
The simulated cycle takes into account one return trip on the Y axis
The simulated cycle takes into account two return trips on the Z axis
The reference cycle time gives you information about the duration of your cycle for usual speed and acceleration (2m/s²)
Corresponds to a cycle composed of a go-an-back on Y axis, and two go-and-backs on Z axis
Effective total cycle time achieved by your system
Maximal achieved speed on Y axis
Maximal achieved speed on Z axis
Maximal achieved speed on Z axis second stroke
Lifetime (Optional)
The total pause time includes the pause time during the cycle and between two cycles
Choose your configuration
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