Actuator Systems
Ball screw drives


Compact and ultra-precise 2D gantry for payloads up to 50(*) kg. Repeatability within 5 µm
Available Sizes
90/90 110/90 110/110 145/110 145/145

The essential

Workspace configurable up to :
Y : 1 500 mm
Z : 800 mm
(*) Higher loads can be achieved with additionnal options, for such application please contact Rollon
“Cleaning holes between the two units available on request for setting up.”
Mathieu Macchi
Application Engineer at Rollon France

The Essential

  • Movement by means of a caged linear recirculating ball bearing guide with preloaded ball screw drive
  • Consisting of the linear units “Precision TH”
  • Light and rigid Y-Z structure composed of extruded and anodized aluminum alloy beams
  • Protection of the linear guides and the ball screw, located inside the aluminium profile, by a protective strip
  • Custom-manufactured manipulator with tailor-made stroke
  • Technical file on request with calculation notice
  • The precision of the linear units also allows operations such as control, measurement, vision …
  • Suitable also for screwing operation , press-fitting, cutting, drilling …


Payload (Kg)
0 … 3 kg
0 … 5 kg
0 … 8 kg
Y Stroke(mm)
0 … 249
0 … 585
0 … 585
Z Stroke(mm)
0 … 249
0 … 249
0 … 585
Payload (Kg)
7 … 13 kg
10 … 20 kg
18 … 24 kg
Y Stroke(mm)
0 … 800
0 … 800
0 … 1000
Z Stroke(mm)
0 … 585
0 … 800
0 … 800
Payload (Kg)
20 … 30 kg
Y Stroke(mm)
0 … 1000
Z Stroke(mm)
0 … 1000


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